Monday, October 12, 2009

Apple Stem Cells Offer Hope For Aging and Damaged Skin

As we age, the reduced turnover of our cells means we can lose control over how our skin ages. Epidermal stem cells needed to create healthy new skin are significantly reduced and function less efficiently. A discovery based on promising plant stem cell research may allow you to regain control.

Scientists have found that a novel extract derived from the stem cells of a rare apple tree cultivated for its extraordinary longevity shows tremendous ability to rejuvenate aging skin. By stimulating aging skin stem cells, this plant extract has been shown to lessen the appearance of unsightly wrinkles. Clinical trials show that this unique formulation increases the longevity of skin cells, resulting in skin that has a more youthful and radiant appearance.

Stem Cells
Cells in our bodies are programmed for specific functions. A skin cell, a brain cell, and a liver cell all contain the same DNA, or set of genes. However, each cell’s fate is determined by a set of epigenetic (able to change gene expression patterns) signals that come from inside it and from the surrounding cells as well. These signals are like command tags attached to the DNA that switch certain genes on or off.

This selective coding creates all of the different kinds of cells in our bodies, which are collectively known as differentiated (specialized) cells.

Although differentiated cells vary widely in purpose and appearance, they all have one thing in common: they all come with a built-in operational limit. After so many divisions, they lose their ability to divide and must be replaced. This is where stem cells come in.

Your body also produces other cells that contain no specific programming. These stem cells are “blank,” so your body can essentially “format” them any way it pleases. Two universal aspects shared by this type of cell are: (1) the ability to replenish itself through a process of self-renewal and (2) the capacity to produce a differentiated cell.

In animals and humans, two basic kinds of stem cells exist: embryonic and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells have the power to change into any differentiated cell type found anywhere in your body. Adult stem cells, on the other hand, are generally more limited. They can only evolve into the specific type of cell found in the tissue where they are located. The primary function of these adult stem cells is maintenance and repair.

But certain adult stem cells found in nature retain the unlimited developmental potential that embryonic stem cells possess. These cells have become the main focus for an exciting new wave of regenerative medicine (repairing damaged or diseased tissues and organs using advanced techniques like stem cell therapy and tissue engineering).

The Role of Stem Cells in the Skin
The basal (innermost) layer of the skin’s epidermis comprises two basic types of cells: (1) the slowly dividing epidermal stem cells (that represent about 2-7% of the basal cell population) and (2) their rapidly dividing offspring that supply new cells to replace those that are lost or dying.1-3

The slow self-renewal process of epidermal stem cells, however, creates a problem. Because each epidermal stem cell only lasts for a certain number of divisions, and because each division runs the risk of lethal DNA mutation, the epidermal stem cell population can become depleted. When this happens, lost or dying skin cells begin to outnumber their replacements and the skin’s health and appearance start to decline.

So what can be done? Scientists turned to plants for the answer.

Planting a Seed of Hope
Plants also have stem cells. Like humans, plant stem cells depend on epigenetic control and signals from surrounding cells for their development. Unlike humans, however, each plant-derived adult stem cell possesses the ability to generate a whole new plant.4 Scientists have found a way to harness the power of plant stem cells by growing plant tissues in culture.

The technique is a relatively simple one. First, viable tissue is obtained from a source plant. This material is called an explant. Next, a small cut is made in the explant. New cells form on the surface of this cut in an attempt to heal the wound. This colorless mass of cells is called a callus. The slowly dividing cells of a callus are undifferentiated cells that lack the characteristics of normal plant cells. They are essentially unprogrammed and full of potential.

With this technology, it is theoretically possible to propagate any plant cell in a liquid culture, opening up a whole new realm of possibilities. This fact started scientists thinking—what would happen if an extract of genetically long-lived plant stem cell tissue was applied to human skin?

Comparing Apples to Apples
Today, apples are cultivated primarily to enhance their appearance and flavor. But before the rise of refrigeration, an apple’s ability to stay fresh for a long time was its most sought-after characteristic.

For this reason, a special variety of apple was cultivated in the middle of the 18th century that could be stored for a greatly extended period of time. In essence, it was the genetically modified, longer-living stem cells of this tannin-rich variety of apple, called the Uttwiler Spätlauber apple, which were responsible for its unique storage longevity.

In a certain isolated area of rural Switzerland, a few of these hardy apple trees still survive today. Scientists obtained an explant from the leaf of one of these trees to produce a special anti-aging stem cell extract.

The Amazing Results
In order to test the theory that this unique plant extract would produce anti-aging effects, scientists at Mibelle Biochemistry first obtained human stem cells from the blood of an umbilical cord. Their first in-house study on cell viability showed that, at a concentration of only 0.1%, an extract of Uttwiler Spätlauber stem cells stimulated the proliferation of human stem cells by an astounding 80%!

In a second experiment, these scientists irradiated the umbilical cord blood stem cells with UV light. Nearly 50% of the stem cells cultured in growth medium alone died, but the cells grown in the culture containing the special apple extract showed only a small decrease in the number of living cells.

Another in vitro experiment conducted by the scientists involved fibroblast cells. These are the most common of all cells in the connective tissue of the skin. They manufacture the collagen, glycosaminoglycans, reticular and elastic fibers, and glycoproteins that make up the extracellular matrix (connective tissues providing support to cells). Fibroblasts not only help provide a structural framework for the skin, they also play a critical role in wound healing.

In their experiment, the scientists treated fibroblast cells with hydrogen peroxide for two hours until the cells began to show classic signs of aging. In scientific terms, this means that several genes essential for cell proliferation and growth were significantly down-regulated. However, after incubating these cells for 144 hours in a 2% Uttwiler Spätlauber extract, this down-regulation of genes was effectively neutralized, and in some cases, it was actually reversed! In addition, the scientists noted that the expression of an important antioxidant enzyme called heme oxigenase 1 was also stimulated.

Finally, the scientists conducted a human study to determine the anti-wrinkle effectiveness of a special cream containing a 2% Uttwiler Spätlauber extract along with lecithin liposomes. This patent-pending cream (called PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica) was applied twice daily to the crow’s feet area of 20 participants. Wrinkle depth was reduced by an average of 8% after just two weeks, and by 15% after four weeks—thus reducing the signs of aging!

Courtesy of Gary Goldfaden, MD

What is Hyper Pigmentation?  

Hyper pigmentation refers to skin that has turned darker than normal where the change that has occurred is unrelated to sun exposure. Hyper pigmentation is caused due to excessive production of melanin. Melanin is the pigment that is solely responsible for the color of the skin. Hyper pigmentation occurs due to the excessive secretion of melanocyte stimulating hormone that enhances the production of melanocytes. The melanocytes produce the pigment melanin. Hyper pigmentation affects the areas that are not exposed to light like the genital areas, armpits etc.

Hyper pigmentation may be caused by internal and external causes. Internal causes include hormonal imbalances such as pregnancy. An external cause for hyper pigmentation is sun exposure. Sots of brown may appear with sun exposure without the use of a sunblock.

There are a few types of hyperpigmentation that is based on the cause of the excess melanin and its appearance on the skin. These include melasma, age spots or liver spots, freckles, and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. It is also related with a number of diseases such as Addison's disease and other sources of adrenal insufficiency, in which the hormones induce melanin synthesis.

Hyperpigmentation treatment

•Topical Whitening / Bleaching creams - Although Hydroquinone is one of the best-established topical agents for reducing skin pigmentation it is now a banned substance in most countries around the world. Their are excellent alternatives however, Arbutin, Kojic, Licorice, Vitamin C to name but a few. Most creams will take several weeks to produce results because even though the synthesis of new melanin is blocked quickly, the existing melanin takes a relatively long time to migrate out of the skin in the process of natural exfoliation.

•Hydroxy Acid Peels - They increase cell renewal rate and correct hyper pigmentation marks. Alpha hydroxy acids are water soluble acids and can help remove hyperpigmentation.

•Laser resurfacing – Normal laser skin resurfacing works by evaporating the first few layers of damaged skin to leave behind a fresh, evenly toned skin. Hydroquinone or mild chemical peels are often recommended before laser resurfacing for best results.

•Intense pulsed light – IPL is a type laser that leaves no scares, can sometimes heals freckles or other mild sun spots without using peels or hydroquinone creams beforehand.

Skin hyperpigmentation is not a life threatening condition. Nevertheless, you should consult with your doctor to confirm that it is not melanoma, a form of skin cancer. In addition, you should see your doctor if you experience unexplained darkening or lightening or any skin sore or lesion that changes the color of the skin.

How to avoid Crow's feet

How to avoid Crow's feet

You can minimize the development of wrinkles around your eyes by applying sunscreen (but remember, not too close to your eyes), and wearing protective eyewear (such as wrap-around sunglasses) or a hat. Some wrinkles are produced by the repeated movement of the skin through facial expressions, others occur as a result of sun damage.

The regular use of a quality moisturizer is the first basic step to reducing the look of existing lines. When selecting a product, remember that price is not a reflection of quality. Well hydrated skin appears noticeably smoother and even textured.

Continued regular use of a moisturizer in combination with daytime application of a sheer foundation will vastly improve your overall complexion. Implement a nighttime eye treatment just before bed to allow your skin to soak up the nourishing ingredients and help regenerate your skin’s appearance. Also, try incorporating daily sun protection with an SPF-rated moisturizer to reduce further photodamage to your skin.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Thinking about following an anti aging diet? It seems that anyone out of their twenties wants to recapture their youth. Many people spend thousands of dollars and go through painful medical treatments in or to look and feel young. Not everyone has to go to the extremes in order to help prevent the signs of aging on their bodies. Following an anti aging diet can reduce the wear and tear that age puts on your body while staying healthy and happy.
Most people know that eating healthy is vital to staying healthy. But eating healthy can also help you age more gracefully. Antioxidants and other compounds found naturally in fruits, vegetables, and other food can help with health and with aging.
Most people know the out signs of aging. You will get wrinkles and gray hair. But there are a host of other problems that begin with aging, such as increased risk for diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Not only will a healthy diet help reduce the signs of premature aging, but it will also help your body to lower the risks for these chronic diseases.
An anti aging diet begins with healthy foods. You should have plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods will be rich in antioxidants and phytonturients, two substances that your body can greatly benefit from. Phytonutrients fight the free radicals in your body that can cause the onset of illnesses such as osteoporosis, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. Antioxidants also help to prevent the effects of free radicals on the body when the body is experiencing the effects of oxidative stress.
Not only do you have to watch what you eat, but there are also some things that you should avoid when you begin to age. You should avoid tobacco, excessive alcohol, and junk food. Not only will this help you age, but it will help you to prevent diseases that can crop up at any time for people who do not avoid these types of substances.
Other compounds in food, such as pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory compounds can help with the anti aging process. By choosing foods that are anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants, you can help to slow down the effects of aging at the cellular level in your body. The types of foods that have this magical combination of compounds are richly colored fruits, vegetables, and coldwater fish.
Anti aging does not end with anti aging diet alone. You will also need to include regular physical activity in your life as well as getting adequate rest each night.

Why you should use a VITAMIN C SERUM

Finding the best skin care for wrinkles is something that millions of us tend to struggle with if for no other reason than the vast abundance of choices to choose from. With thousands, if not tens of thousands, of skin care moisturizers, creams and other products to choose from-how is it possible to conduct thorough research and find the most effective and safest solution available?
In order to save time while still making sure that you are finding the most reliable and effective anti aging skin care product on the market, it is important to understand the important role that ingredients play in any product or remedy. It is the skin care ingredients that determine the overall safety and effectiveness of any product which is why you should take a close look at Vitamin C if you are serious about preventing the premature onset of fine lines and wrinkles.
Vitamin C and other antioxidants are commonly found in anti aging natural skin care because they help halt the development of wrinkles by neutralizing free radicals. In fact, antioxidants can help prevent the development of fine lines and wrinkles in three ways:
* Directly neutralize the free radicals
* Halt the process of oxidation which produces free radicals
* Synthesize the production of collagen and help repair damage caused by free radicals
According to the latest skin care information, Vitamin C is the only antioxidant known to actually stimulate the regeneration of collagen. The role of collagen in the fight against wrinkles is important because when it becomes damaged by free radicals and your body is unable to repair and regenerate it-the skin it supports will collapse beneath the surrounding surface and a wrinkle or fine line will appear. Any skin care regimen enriched with Vitamin C can not only slow the signs of aging-it has been proven to visibly diminish or reduce the fine lines and wrinkles that you already have!
Vitamin C is naturally found in skin tissue but its levels can be diminished by certain behaviors/substances, including:
* Overexposure to sun
* Smoking
* Exposure to pollutants and other toxins such as those found in many discount and wholesale skin care products
Antioxidants are common nutrients to find in a group of plant extracts commonly referred to as the essential oils. Not all of the essential oils are loaded with antioxidants but almost all of the top skin care remedies for wrinkles and antiaging include one or more of the following plant extracts:
* Camphor oil
* Avocado oil
* Almond oil
It is also important to remember that various organic and natural skin care solutions are made with different antioxidants which will have a different overall impact in your antiaging strategy. However, finding skin care systems made with any of the following antioxidants will help slow the signs of aging and remove harmful toxins from your system, including:
* Vitamin C
* Vitamin A
* Vitamin E
* Vitamin B1 & B2
* Selenium
If you are looking for a safe and effective antiaging skin care for wrinkles made with essential oils and enhanced with antioxidants like those mentioned earlier, then try ANAIS SUPER VITAMIN C SERUM today!

Oily Skin and Acne: Keeping In Control

When people complain of oily skin, they are most often referring to the skin on their face. Oily skin is also the largest contributor towards acne. This page will give a little information on the causes and treatments of oily skin and acne.

The Cause of Oily Skin
The oil is produced by oil glands known as sebaceous glands. These glands are bigger and more active in the region of the nose than any other areas of the face. This is why the nose tends to be a trouble area for even those with normal skin. The pores in this area are also larger, in order to accommodate the large flow of oil produced. Other areas on the body where sebaceous glands are most heavily concentrated are the neck, chest, and back-areas where body acne can be common.
The amount of oil that an individual makes is determined by genetics. It is affected by hormones and what is called an "end organ response". The oil gland is considered the end organ because it is this gland that is acted upon by hormones. Many people have the same level of hormones, but make different amount of oil because their oil glands respond differently. During adolescence, a surge in the level of sex hormones, known as androgens, creates a problem of oily skin where sometimes there was none. The reason is that androgens enlarge and stimulate the sebaceous glands, causing them to produce more sebum. While this stimulation is not directly responsible for acne, the extra sebum for which they're responsible produces more fatty acids when a comedo plug closes off a pore opening. The additional fatty acids increase the amount of inflammation, and more severe acne occurs.
Despite all the trouble that sebum causes, it is very important to the maintenance of the skin. When the system is working properly, sebum performs the important job of helping to lubricate your skin. Sebum also carries with it dead skin cells shedding from your hair follicle walls. For someone with oily skin, the best thing to do is to take measures to keep pores from getting clogged and forming acne lesions.
Caring for Oily Skin
Remember, there is no way to completely prevent oily skin from occurring, but hopefully these tips will help keep the oil and acne under control:

  • Although dirt and oil on the surface of the skin do not cause acne, excessive oil on your skin may exacerbate the clogging of pore openings, so proper washing is often a good way to keep the situation from becoming worse. Washing with very hot water, harsh soaps or cleansers will not improve existing acne or prevent future flare-ups. In fact, these methods can dry and irritate your skin so badly that you will not be able to use effective acne medications in cream or gel form. Most topical acne medications have a drying effect on oily skin.
  • Try a mild cleanser that cleanses without drying or try a Salicylic Acid based wash or peel.
  • Do not use any oil-based cosmetics, which will only aggravate oily skin and create further blemishes.
  • Use water-based, non-comedogenic cosmetics.
  • Always remove your makeup before going to bed, but avoid cold creams and lotions, which may leave a greasy film on your skin.
  • Watch your diet. However, it is not chocolate or sweets that you need to watch, some doctors believe that an increased consumption of iodine aggravates acne, and they suggest reduction or elimination of fish and iodized salt.
  • Relax! Doctors have seen a connection between stress and acne for a long time. Studies have shown that the body produces more androgens when a person is under stress. The increase may trigger acne flare-ups by stimulating the sebaceous glands to pump out more sebum. Even physical stresses, such as colds, allergies, surgery, or menstruation, can trigger break-outs.
Skin Care and Topical Treatments for Acne
First of all, there are the topical acne medications that most people with oily sin or acne have tried. Here is a brief description of those:
Benzoyl Peroxide- This medication works in two ways. First, it goes after bacteria, which are crucial in the development of acne. Without bacteria, the sebum trapped under the skin would not become the fatty acids that cause all the swelling and inflammation in and around acne blemishes. Second, some studies show that benzoyl peroxide may also peel the dead skin cells from inside your hair follicles, to keep plugs from forming.
Sulfur, Resorcinol, and Salicylic acids- These are older and proven methods which start mostly on the surface of your skin and work themselves deep down into the follicles where bacteria originates to help heal existing blemishes by unclogging pores. Salicylic acid is particularly effective on blackheads.
Topical antibiotics- These medicines are used by doctors to treat certain kinds of acne, such as pustules and papules, but they may not be strong enough to have an effect on larger cysts. Topical antibiotics work by attacking the bacteria that are strongly linked with acne problems. Like other topical treatments, these tend to dry and irritate the skin, so be sure to use proper cleansing and moisturizing.
Retinoic acid- Also known as Retin-A, this is another topical medicine used by doctors to treat acne. Like benzoyl peroxide, retinoic acid works by peeling skin cells from the hair follicles so that plugs do not form. Be warned that at first it may aggravate your acne, and that it can take two to three months for any real improvement.


Trichloroacetic Acid 
The TCA peel is a light to medium skin peel ranging in concentrations from 8% to as high as 35% (by weight) for facial peels. The higher the concentration, the deeper the skin peel. Chemical peels are often used to greatly enhance a variety of skin conditions and improve the appearance of acne scars, dark spots, fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, liver spots, warts, freckles, lip creases, stretch marks, and many other blemishes. It will also diminish or fade tattoos over time through repeated treatments depending on the concentration of the solution and the depth of the tattoo, resulting in a permanent removal. Each chemical peel kit up for purchase may be used for the face, back, neck, and other areas of the body as well.
Trichloroacetic acid chemical peels is an upcoming and very popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure performed by dermatologists, estheticians, cosmetic surgeons, and other licensed physicians. Each procedure can cost between $300-$700 and more. Here at Perfect Peel Solutions we offer the same TCA solution that is provided in these professional facilities and used by the most prestigious surgeons for a fraction of the cost! We also provide each customer with more than enough TCA for at least 15-20 comfortable treatments, without having to worry about conserving every drop along the way. With most of the concentrations we provide, you will be able to carry on with your daily regimens and resume normal activities without taking off time for work. However, if you go with a 25% TCA or higher for a facial peel, you need to expect at least a 1-2 week recovery process.       
TCA peels are a fast, easy, and affordable way to greatly improve your overall look, and significantly boost your level of confidence!!!  Each TCA kit provided comes with everything you need for a safe and easy professional skin peel right from the comfort of your own home. Perfect Peel Solutions make the process simple with the new and improved easy-to-follow detailed instructions for every step of the way.
Every solution is tested for purity and must meet rigorous quality control specifications before they are shipped out to you. The solutions are prepared using the highest quality available from the most well-known chemical supplier in the country. This ensures that our solutions will be of the highest purity
We have an established business account with the top chemical supply company in the US. This company does not sell to individuals, you must pass a series of tests and be approved in order to conduct business with them. This is why we are able to provide these chemical peel systems at such a discounted rate!!! Not to mention we have two degree certified chemists that make all the solutions, who have plenty of experience handling and preparing these type of chemical solutions.
TCA peels are also proven to be safe for all skin types and colors, whether male or female. There has also been numerous studies performed specifically to prove this. Each TCA kit provided comes with everything you need for a safe and easy professional skin peel right out of your own home, including easy-to-follow detailed instructions. TCA should always be used with caution. These are not typical products you can buy at Wal-mart or other drug stores. The products are highly concentrated, and designed specifically to remove skin problems in the fastest and most effective way possible
This Very Popular Combination Peel Consist of 4 specially designed chemicals in certain concentrations, that will provide an effective light-medium depth peel and produce an outstanding level of controlled damage without the risk of side effects. Jessner's solution is a unique combination of Salicylic Acid, Resorcinol, and Lactic acid. TCA (Trichloroacetic acid) is a well-known chemical peel agent proven to have exceptional scar and wrinkle reducing abilities
Jessner's + TCA Peel combination is a specialized form of chemical peel. First the Jessner's solution is applied to the skin, then a gentler more mild form of TCA is used to achieve deeper results without the risks associated with deeper chemical peels. The Jessner's solution was found effective in destroying the epidermal barrier by breaking up individual epidermal cells. This also allows a deeper penetration of the 25% or 35% TCA and a more even application of the peeling solution. This combination has been proven to be as effective as the use of 50% Trichloroacetic Acid with a greater safety margin. The application of acid and resultant frosting are better controlled with the combination so that the "hot spots" with higher concentrations of TCA can be controlled, creating an even peel with less incidence of dyschromias and scarring